【同义词辨析】 2017-12-08 思考think-deliberate

think: is general and may apply to any mental activity, but used alone it often suggests the attainment of clear ideas or conclusions: a course that really teaches you to ~.

cogitate: implies a deep or intent thinking: quietly sitting and ~ing.     (intent有2个意思 1、专注的showing strong interest and attention,如an intent gaze/look专注的目光/神情,如his eyes were suddenly intent他的目光突然专注起来,如I was so intent on my work that I didn't notice the time我专心工作,以致忘了时间   2、决心做(尤指伤害他人的事)determined to do something, especially something that will harm other people,如they were intent on murder他们存心谋杀,如are you intent upon destroying my reputation你是不是存心要败坏我的名誉?)

reflect: suggests the unhurried consideration of something called or recalled to the mind: ~ed on fifty years of married life.

reason: stresses a consecutive logical thinking: ~ed that the murderer and victim knew each other.        reason推理是连续的、逻辑的思考,因此逻辑logical是更基础的词。逻辑指有秩序,清楚,不偏颇(ordered, clear and free from bias),经常会用到reason和logic,两个词请一起记         注意murderer和victim用一个the限定即可

speculate: implies a reasoning about things that are theoretical and problematic: historians have ~d about the fate of the Lost Colony.

deliberate: suggests a slow or careful reasoning and consideration before forming an opinion or idea or reaching a conclusion or decision: the jury ~d for five hours.

think思考: 泛指任何脑力活动,单独使用表示获得了清晰的想法结论,cogitate沉思: 强调深沉专注的思考,reflect反思回想: 指慢慢考虑当前想到的或回忆的事情,reason推理: 强调有顺序逻辑的思考,speculate推测推断投机: 针对理论性的不确定的事物的推理,deliberate深思熟虑: 形成意见做出结论前仔细慎重的思考或推理

记忆方法: 1) 首字母TCRRDS天才日日的事<==天才天天思考

         2) 思考的意思是构思判断推理等脑力活动mean to use one's powers of conception, judgment, or inference.首字母TCRRDS天才日日的事<==天才天天思考